Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Dr. Richard Nel on Africa’s Economic Boom

Dr. Richard Nel is an investment banker, business owner and real estate mogul that have always maintained an eye that is tuned for opportunity. Having lived through the collapse of the African Bank, Nel has analyzed the faults of the past and has sorted through them to find the great opportunities of the future for the continent’s economy.

It all begins with the JSE, Africa’s largest stock exchange. Despite the exception of a short period of economic doubt in the year 2011, the JSE has been on a steady rise over the past five years that has reflected a growing economic strength across the continent. With the assistance of stimulus measures from the US Federal Reserve and the advantage of low-interest rates, the JSE has displayed a significant amount of growth since 2009.

Now when it comes to the South African economy, Dr. Richard Nel believes it could still do better. In the meantime, the JSE is benefitting from companies that generate large amounts of their profits from outside the borders of the country. Mobile banking technologies are to be thanked for much of this growth, as it has encouraged trade and commerce across borders for goods or services of which their availability had hardly even been communicated to residents of other nations. Now with the advanced banking technologies, African nations are able to reach out to one another in ways previously unforeseen, strengthening the fiber of the African Bank and giving much promise to the future of business conducted on the continent.

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